Ok, I must admit that I have a weakness for neatly edited kill-vids. This is especially true is it manages to capture some of the lore or premise of the fight in question. There is also, in my opinion, no better way to honour your guild. Some guilds are famed as much for their fast progression as for their inspiring videos. Examples would be Paragon or Vodka or even the WotLK Ensidia kills.
Paragons video of their amazing world first Heroic Lich King 25man will forever be remembered as a milestone in both the art of making kill-vids and in guild promotion. The second bit is important as nowadays people can actually follow their favorite guild, see them progress and also distinguish individual raiders performance thereby learning and improving their own techniques. The mystique previously attached to the top end guilds have dissapated somewhat and instead revealed their true dedication and skill, plain for all to see.
Now with the release of the Firelands 4.2 patch a new flood of kill-vids are about to decend upon us. In a sort of celebration of this impending delight I've put together a little list of the top five videos from the patch 4.0 era. All after the jump.